Dog Training Australia

How to Keep Your House From Smelling Like Your Dog

Posted by Don Hesh on

How to Keep Your House From Smelling Like Your Dog

Nobody really likes living in a house that consistently smells like wet dog, litter boxes or pet accidents. Thankfully, it isn’t a mission to keep your home odour-free. Here are some steps you can take on how to prevent your house from pet odours and how to eliminate them as well because the reality is, it will happen. That’s the beauty of having dogs! Fresh air This is really important and can’t be emphasised enough! For instance, if you live in a new or recently refurbished house, chances are it’ll be pretty air-tight. Great for energy-saving, not so great for...

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How to Teach Your Kids to Take Care of Your Dogs

Posted by Don Hesh on

How to Teach Your Kids to Take Care of Your Dogs

For most, dogs are a big part of your life the moment you get them and guess what? So are your kids! It would be great if both of them got along, but it’s hard sometimes to know when best to start blending the two together. So the question is, how can you involve your kids in dog care, while keeping it safe for them?  But before we delve into that, let’s get into why kids should help take care of your pets.  There have been incidents where kids have been bitten by their dogs be it during feeding time...

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Dogs and Toddlers. How To Help them Get Along

Posted by Jackie Ly on

Dogs and Toddlers. How To Help them Get Along

There are a lot of challenges that come with having a child. One of them is teaching them to get along with your family pet. While it’s natural for a young child to be scared of animals that they don’t understand; as they get older, they must learn to be comfortable living with them. It would be easy if your toddler quickly becomes your dog’s best friend, but this isn’t always going to be the case. Some children just won’t like dogs no matter what you do, however, we can always try our best to show them what we love...

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How to Stop Your Dog’s Lead Pulling for Good

Posted by Jackie Ly on

How to Stop Your Dog’s Lead Pulling for Good

Taking your dog for a walk is one of life’s greatest joys. Their excitement is infectious, and the benefits of adventuring outdoors and moving out bodies do not need explaining. While a dog walk should be a fun experience, unruly behaviour can dampen the mood. Have you ever felt as if your dog is taking YOU for a walk? Lead pulling is an incredibly frustrating problem that can ruin the flow of your daily exercise and bonding routine.  Nonetheless, it’s usually a result of a curious and active dog - not something we should be complaining about. The key lies...

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Five Awesome Dog Hacks To Make Your Life With Pets Easier

Posted by Jackie Ly on

Five Awesome Dog Hacks To Make Your Life With Pets Easier

Living with a dog can become quite difficult at times. Even if they are well trained, you only have so much time in the day to look after your pup, exercise them and keep them entertained. Fortunately, there are many handy devices that go a long way to ease the burden so you can spend more time enjoying quality time with your loved pooch. With so many products on the market, it can be difficult to know which options are actually valuable in the long run and which ones are a simple novelty. Below we have put together our five...

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